"For My Babydoll" ©

After working all day,

She still caters to me;
Accepting my love,
That is her only fee.
Always there to pamper,
Healing me when I'm down;
In the sea we call life,
Without her I'd drown.
I'm lucky I found her,
Yet I'm luckier still;
That she settled on me,
with her love for to fill.
She puts up with my moods,
Changing for no reason;
Smiling on the outside,
when me just no pleasin'.
Her heart is too big,
For her body to hold;
My sons will both tell you,
It is made of pure gold.
Unconditional love,
That's constant and steady;
No thought of replacing,
Mom they have already.
After reading this poem,
She'll cry and be sappy,
Which will make me feel bad,
But she'll say she's happy.
It's with her that I plan,
Spending the rest of my life;
I'd be honored to ask,
If she would be my wife.

Guy Patrick Drumm

This is how my fiancee REALLY IS! I'm not AS bad as the couple lines about my changing moods, and NO pleasin'; might suggest, but ONCE IN A WHILE......
(Even Ghandi had his days...); But most importantly... IT RHYMES!